
Special Power Objects


Power objects connect you to the master, the master’s master, and the guru parampara. Power Objects provide protection from negativity and disturbing energy and background support to help you maintain clarity, inner peace, and success. Power Objects directly charged by Sri Kaleshwar are increasingly rare and will someday soon be impossible to find. A power object from a master is a most powerful tool to experience the master directly.


Tabiz, Small

Tabiz, Small

Handcrafted Pure Silver Tabiz Power Object Assembled by Mataji 

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$250.00     Quantity:

Tabiz, Medium

Tabiz, Medium

Handcrafted Pure Silver Tabiz Power Object Assembled by Mataji

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$450.00     Quantity:

Tabiz, Large

Tabiz, Large

Handcrafted Pure Silver Tabiz Power Object Assembled by Mataji

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$680.00     Quantity:

Black Shiva Lingam, 453-680 grams

Black Shiva Lingam, 453-680 grams

Shiva Lingam Power Object Charged in Lake Kaleshwar and Blessed by Power Objects Given Directly by Mother Divine 

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$702.00     Quantity:

Black Tourmaline Shiva Lingam, 2041 grams

Black Tourmaline Shiva Lingam, 2041 grams

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$1,108.00     Quantity:

Pearl Ring Power Object

Pearl Ring Power Object

Pearl Ring Power Object Charged by Sri Kaleshwar

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$1,206.00     Quantity:

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Download Gifts of Sri Shirdi Sai Baba and receive detailed instructions on using the Five Elements Process™ to decharge stress and negativity, and heal both yourself and others.