We offer personalized sacred ceremonies to mark all stages of transformation and life, customized to meet whatever need or desire your faced with in your life. These spiritual processes come from the Divine Mother’s Palm Leaf manuscripts. A sacred fire ceremony will send a powerful dose of divine energy to support you in what you need most. You can design a fire ceremony to bless anything you need in your life including deepening your path to the Divine Mother. The stronger clarity and focus you have for what you are seeking the more successful the results will be.
Your 1-hour fire ceremony will be performed by Mataji and Nityanandaji, and comes with a private 30-minute video consultation and will be scheduled during your consultation.
Examples of Ceremonies
• Finding a new home
• Success with new business and real-estate ventures
• Prevail when wrongly accused
• Getting a job that you want
• Admission into school
• Love and relationship success
• Supporting a happy marriage and family
• Overcoming defame and lawsuits
• Supporting aging parents
• Blessing for a soul’s peaceful passing
• Healing family karma
• Private Sudarshana Sacred Fire Ceremony for protection circles to heal extreme negativity
• Happy, healthy life and longevity
• Birthday and anniversary blessings
• Blessings for fertility and a healthy birth
• Naming ceremonies

Submit Your Request: Please click the BEGIN THE PROCESS NOW button below to submit the necessary information to begin your process.
Consultation: Your ceremony includes a private consultation with Mataji and Nityananadji, who will highly personalize your ceremony for the blessing you want to give and receive.
Dakshina (Karmic Exchange): The minimum donation is $5,000 and up. Your donation for this spiritual process should be an accurate reflection of what you are asking to receive.
Participate Virtually: You will receive a Zoom link to participate in your fire ceremony, which will be private and streamed live for you and anyone you invite to join.
Soul healing ceremonies and other processes are spiritual in nature. The energy flows to where it is needed most and specific outcomes cannot be guaranteed. Sacred Fire Ceremonies, Soul Healing, Teaching, and Spiritual Counseling work as a supplement or in addition to treatments and professional advice you have received or may seek in the future. By participating, you understand that no statement by a practitioner or spiritual process is intended as treatment or prescription for any disease or as a substitute for regular medical care by a qualified physician or therapist or a substitute for advice from a qualified attorney, accountant, or accountant financial advisor. Please read our full disclaimer here.
Submit Your Request: Please click the BEGIN THE PROCESS NOW button below to submit the necessary information to begin your process.
Consultation: Your ceremony includes a private consultation with Mataji and Nityananadji, who will highly personalize your ceremony for the blessing you want to give and receive.
Dakshina (Karmic Exchange): The minimum donation is $5,000 and up. Your donation for this spiritual process should be an accurate reflection of what you are asking to receive.
Participate Virtually: You will receive a Zoom link to participate in your fire ceremony, which will be private and streamed live for you and anyone you invite to join.
Soul healing ceremonies and other processes are spiritual in nature. The energy flows to where it is needed most and specific outcomes cannot be guaranteed. Sacred Fire Ceremonies, Soul Healing, Teaching, and Spiritual Counseling work as a supplement or in addition to treatments and professional advice you have received or may seek in the future. By participating, you understand that no statement by a practitioner or spiritual process is intended as treatment or prescription for any disease or as a substitute for regular medical care by a qualified physician or therapist or a substitute for advice from a qualified attorney, accountant, or accountant financial advisor. Please read our full disclaimer here.
About Giving Dakshina
According to the law of karma, karma siddhānta, an exchange is very important. Giving is necessary for receiving. The energy exchange, the dakshina or cost, for designing your own ceremony is a pure offering to the Divine Mother. Your donation for this spiritual process should be an accurate reflection of what you are asking to receive.