Protection & Success Sacred Fire Ceremony
Protection & Success Sacred Fire Ceremony
We are blessed to have an ancient remedy for negativity in this modern world. Each New Moon, we perform a powerful Sudarshana Sacred Fire Ceremony for Protection and Success. Free yourself from unnecessary suffering to navigate life’s challenges more clearly with this powerful ceremony. The Protection and Success Sacred Fire Ceremony sends an arrow of positive energy to you, protecting you from negativity, unforeseen dangers, and illness, and clears a path for success in any project or endeavor. This fire ceremony comes directly from Divine Mother’s palm leaf manuscripts and provides profound protection against the darkness and negativity in our lives and in the world around us.
Experience the Energy With Us
Every New Moon
Join us virtually every New Moon to strengthen the protection energy around you and increase your soul capacity through this ancient practice. Register for a blessing energy transmission for your prayers and watch virtually as we broadcast the Sudarshana Sacred Fire Ceremony every full moon.

We combine modern technology with ancient spiritual technology to bring the benefits of sacred fire ceremonies to you wherever you are! Register to receive a personal blessing and healing energy transmission to manifest what you need. Your name will be read out loud as sacred offerings are given to the fire while the divine vibrations of the conch shell are sounded. After registration you will receive details on how to participate and upload a personal blessing request. You can also gift blessings to loved ones. You can watch the virtual ceremony live in our private viewing room or simply pause to think on the ceremony as it’s happening. This ancient healing technology works in such a way that the benefits reach you wherever you are, even if you are not watching live!
The Sudarshana Sacred Fire Ceremony is a powerful practice you can do to bring in high levels of Divine protection and success in any endeavor in your life. The vibrations of the world around us today are very challenging. Taking care of our energy, and maintaining a peaceful, inner balance is so important for our health, happiness and success. Connecting with vibrations that grows and strengthens our protection energy circles help us manage our energy and navigate life’s challenges in a smooth and positive way.
Through the formula of sacred prayers, sacred geometry, and specific offerings given to the fire, the energy and blessings of this ceremony reach you wherever you are. Participating in a Sudarshana Sacred Fire Ceremony every New Moon can bless you with new levels of protection and success.
• Gives the highest positive energy to your soul
• Refreshes your energy, you feel lighter and more alive afterwards
• Creates an energetic forcefield around you – by raising the frequency of your overall energy field so lower frequencies like heartbreak, depression, and fear do not resonate with you
• Creates a stable, higher frequency within you to attract and manifest desires
• Removes dark energy and other intentional negativity
• Gives protection from unforeseen dangers
• Creates positive vibrations to uplift and protect people, plants and animals everywhere
Pray for others. Pray for peace. Pray with love.
Join our New & Full Moon Ceremonies & create divine vibrations for peace and happiness!