Divine Mother School
Divine Mother School

The Divine Mother School is a virtual community dedicated to awakening our awareness of the divine feminine and divine masculine (Shiva/Shakti) energies in creation through study, devotion, and personal transformation practices. Over the eons, the world has forgotten the divine dance of the male (Shiva) and female (Shakti) energies and how they work together through us and in creation. To heal and change the consciousness of the world, we need to deeply understand and experience the Divine Mother and this divine dance. When we grow our awareness of and connection to these energies, we begin to come back into balance. We recognize that men and women alike need and benefit from this knowledge the Divine Mother revealed. We welcome anyone who feels connected, inspired or curious to learn how to develop this balance and experience the Divine Mother in their own life through simple practices and devotion.
The Divine Mother School provides you with a range of opportunities to learn, grow and connect as you awaken the Divine Mother’s love in your daily life.
Divine Mother School Virtual Offerings

Small Group Classes
Our live, virtual small group classes are designed to bring us together in community through teaching, sharing and open-hearted guidance. Our teachers and facilitators bring wisdom, compassion and dedication to every virtual classroom experience

Courses & Programs
Discover simple tools, meditation practices and self-care remedies you can begin today to grow your spiritual practice at home. We offer ancient practices awakening the Divine Mother in your life that are accessible and practical for modern life.

Spiritual Coaches
Divine Mother School Spiritual Coaches work with both women and men using a practice-based approach based in ancient knowledge to guide you through all stages and transitions in life. Spiritual coaching focuses on bringing healing and renewal by supporting the return to balance of male/female energies through sacred practices.

The Holy Womb Initiative
Join other mothers, spiritual practitioners, teachers and healers in studying the wisdom of the Divine Mother, focusing on the holy womb, pregnancy, mothers and families. Find a Divine Baby Practitioner.

A transformation takes place when we worship the Mother. When women and men see the divine feminine inside and outside of us all of nature moves into higher state of being, forming a loving, healthy, peaceful world.
Listen to Mataji in conversation with Nityanandaji sharing why it is so important today to worship God as Mother.

Experience a reading and guided meditation with Mataji to connect with the Divine Mother seated inside of you!

Listen to Mataji share the miracle of the Holy Womb Chakra and why it’s important to heal and maintain this source of sacred energy.
Soul healing ceremonies and other processes are spiritual in nature. The energy flows to where it is needed most and specific outcomes cannot be guaranteed. Sacred Fire Ceremonies, Soul Healing, Teaching, and Spiritual Counseling work as a supplement or in addition to treatments and professional advice you have received or may seek in the future. By participating, you understand that no statement by a practitioner or spiritual process is intended as treatment or prescription for any disease or as a substitute for regular medical care by a qualified physician or therapist or a substitute for advice from a qualified attorney, accountant, or financial advisor. Please read our full disclaimer here.