
Our Lineage


Our Lineage

The Divine Lineage is a living lineage of spiritual masters including Shirdi Sai Baba, Jesus Christ, Mother Mary, Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, Ramana Maharshi, Sri Kaleshwar and Babaji. The early humans on this planet were a wonderous and perfect expression of humanity’s divine nature. They saw all beings as an expression and embodiment of God consciousness. They recognized nature was a manifestation of the Divine Mother, and that She manifested the universe then lived inside it. They dedicated their lives to connect with God as the Mother who would reveal to them the mysteries of HER Creation. This knowledge was first passed down orally and later written down in palm leaf manuscripts to protect and preserve it. It was only to be revealed when humanity was in desperate need of a collective awakening of consciousness. This is the time we are in now!

The divine mission is the same mission the saints have had over the millennia to awaken humanity to it’s true potential. Sri Kaleshwar brought the Divine Mother’s palm leaf knowledge to the West to help awaken it at this critical time.

Sri Sai Kaleshwara Swami

(January 8, 1973 - March 15, 2012) Sri Sai Kaleshwara Swami, was a saptarishi incarnation in the Divine Lineage born in Kadapa, a small village in the State of Andhra Pradesh in Southern India. He revealed secret knowledge from the palm leaf manuscripts to the world for the first time during his brief lifetime. Sri Kaleshwar said now is the time to make the ancient knowledge readily available to help heal the world’s suffering and transform the way spirituality is practiced on the planet. In 1998, Sri Kaleshwar received permission from the Divine Court of spiritual masters, including Shirdi Baba, Jesus, and Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, to teach Western students this knowledge.

When Sri Kaleshwar was fourteen years old, he had a miraculous encounter with Shirdi Sai Baba, and for the next decade, did intense spiritual practices and traveled throughout India. Shirdi Baba led him to the palm leaf manuscripts which contain sacred formulas that when correctly practiced awaken the incredible capability hidden within each soul. He began his global mission to train healers and spiritual masters to bring healing and enlightenment to the globe; to connect his students to the Divine Mother; to introduce Shirdi Sai Baba and his teachings to the West; to bring back the ancient channels practiced by Jesus, and to reveal the reality of Jesus Christ’s life in India as written in the palm leaf manuscripts.

“Every soul has the potential to reach the level of a Shirdi Baba or Jesus and contribute amazing things to the world.” Sri Kaleshwar

Sri Kaleshwar had a very special relationship with the Divine Mother. He communicated with the Divine Mother regularly and negotiated new boons on behalf of humanity for his students to receive and use to help humanity and to ease suffering and bring light wherever there is darkness. Sri Kaleshwar re-connects his students, both female and male, to the Divine Mother. It is through reconnecting to the Mother that we receive both the deepest healing and healing abilities. When we experience Her, we recognize the truth of who we are and become channels of Her divine shakti. Both women and men must develop their connection to the Divine Mother and become instruments to bring Her love and shakti to the world.

Sri Kaleshwar said that his greatest gift to the world is his students. He worked to create a divine lineage of masters and healers who would in turn help other souls to become the same. There are numerous students all over the world who are certified by Sri Kaleshwar to give healings and to teach the knowledge that he taught. He explained that the only real difference between a master and a student is knowledge. “Everything is God. I’m not great, you’re not great. We’re all equal,” he said. “A part of truth I know; a part of truth you don’t know. That’s why you’re in the dark. After you know it, you’re also part of the light.” During this period of great darkness and negativity on the planet we are in now, Sri Kaleshwar said there also exists a very special opportunity for accelerated healing and soul development. Now is the moment to become what he called a soul scientist. Once you know the perfect formula, the perfect channel and right energy when you are talking to God, any creation and miracle is possible.

For fifteen years, Sri Kaleshwar dedicated much of his time to training thousands of Western students from America, Europe and Japan. Sri Kaleshwar said that the spiritual awakening must come, “From the West to the East, not from the East to the West.” He said that the West needs to become a sacred place where the ancient knowledge is shared, practiced, and implemented to create a more peaceful, loving world. Once this happens it will return to the East.

At the core of the Divine Mission is Sri Kaleshwar’s lifelong dedication to uplift and empower women and to train and educate them with what they need to to be able to implement their true divine power for creating a more compassionate society. “This is the women’s time,” Sri Kaleshwar said of the age we are birthing together now. He was clear that women would change the world. Sri Kaleshwar emphasized women’s leadership and showed through the ancient knowledge why re-awakening a reverence for the Divine Mother and sacred feminine around the globe is essential to raise consciousness and restore harmony on earth.

Sri Kaleshwar placed emphasis on practicing Bhagavan Seva, serving God by helping humanity. We need to take care of those who are suffering and create peace on the globe. “Millions and millions of people are a starving for help,” he said, “We need to take care of each other.” Throughout his life, Sri Kaleshwar tirelessly served the needy. He is known for a vast number of humanitarian projects in Andhra Pradesh that focused on hunger relief, education, medical assistance, social welfare, and infrastructure development. Hundreds of thousands of people have benefited from these programs. “There is no enlightenment without helping humanity – be loyal to humanity. Be loyal and royal, help the poor,” he said. Sri Kaleshwar embodied the teaching that our lives and actions must serve and take care of society, leaving a divine fragrance long after we are gone.

On March 15th, 2012, Sri Kaleshwar left his physical body and entered mahasamadhi. During his lifetime, he said that when he was no longer restricted by his body his consciousness would be a million times more powerful and accessible to his students. This was not just for those who were with him when he was alive. In fact, when Sri Kaleshwar was in the body, he shared that he spent 50{f34871661946c3889de0d94c8fac4ab437e94e11a4cc852aee6d6b098bebdeda} of his meditation time connecting with the souls of his future students. He said, “I am working with millions of students to come.” Just as Shirdi Baba was a living force in Sri Kaleshwar’s life directing his spiritual practice, Sri Kaleshwar’s consciousness is very much available to all those seeking his guidance and love now.


Shirdi Sai Baba

(circa 1830 – October 15th 1918) Shirdi Sai Baba is one of India’s greatest and most beloved saints, a beloved grandfather of all people, and the grandfather of our lineage. He is an incarnation of Shiva and a Dattatreya avatar, as well as Sri Kaleshwar’s master and is revered in India as Yogi Raja, the King of Yogis. Baba possessed the highest supernatural capabilities. Shirdi Baba is now the head of the Divine Court, succeeding Jesus Christ who served as the head for the last two thousand years.

Upon arriving in Shirdi as a young man, Baba was met with extreme hostility from the villagers, so he sat under a nearby neem tree where he engaged in austere spiritual practice while open to all the elements. There he remained for 18 years until the villagers finally recognized his greatness as a healer. Though he could have lived like royalty, Baba spent his entire life as a mendicant, begging alms in the tiny village of Shirdi in Maharashtra State. Over time he came to receive millions of rupees from his devotees, but always gave everything away to the poor.

Protection, guidance and miraculous healings continue to flow from Baba in ever-growing abundance. Just as he did when he was in his physical body, Baba develops a deeply personal relationship with each of his devotees and becomes a vital presence in their lives. When describing his beloved master, Sri Kaleshwar said, “Baba is the soul doctor to make your soul healthy, happy and glorious.” Shirdi Sai Baba is a grandfather to the entire planet, forever working to uplift and unite all of humankind. Simply take one step towards Baba and he will take 99 towards you.

Much of Baba’s time was spent in the Dwarkamai sitting in front of his dhuni, sacred fire, taking on, transforming, and releasing the pain and suffering of the world. Baba answered people’s prayers for help in all situations in their lives, as he does today. He performed countless miracles during the course of his lifetime including giving sight to the blind, healing the incurably sick, rescuing devotees from dangerous situations, changing water into oil, appearing in different places at once, and also dying and coming back to life after three days.

Baba lived in a dilapidated mosque he named Dwarkamai. No one knew for certain what faith he belonged to, and each group wanted to claim him as their own. However, Baba was everything and belonged to everyone. Never answering the question, he only replied, “All human beings are one. Our religion is humanity. God is One.” Truly a living embodiment of the unity of all religions, Baba was regularly worshipped by Hindus, Muslims, and Christians alike. Shirdi Baba taught that all paths are one and encouraged everyone to follow to their own spiritual path but be tolerant and accepting of all other faiths. His message also places primary importance on strong devotion to God and dedicating oneself to humanity through service.

On October 15th, 1918, Baba left his physical body and took mahasamadhi. He left behind no formal teachings or disciples, except before exiting his body Baba gave “Eleven Assurances” to his devotees that he would be forever “active and vigorous” in their lives from his tomb (mahasamadhi site). One must only call on Baba with faith and his help is immediate. He said, “If you look to me, I look to you. If you cast your burden on me, I shall bear it. If you seek my advice and help, it shall be given to you at once. Even after I leave my body, I shall come to the aid of my devotees.” Today the “Shirdi Sai Baba movement” is the fastest growing spiritual movement on the planet. Hailing from all corners of the globe his devotees are a diverse and varied tapestry of people from every faith and socio-economic background. The village of Shirdi has now blossomed into the one of the world’s leading pilgrimage sites, with millions flocking to visit Baba’s tomb and Dwarkamai each year. Typically, it takes centuries for a saint’s tomb to develop such an extraordinary level of prominence.


Sri Sai Satcharitra

The Wonderful Life and Teachings of Shirdi Sai Baba

by Hemadpant, a Modern Rendering by Mataji

“If you hear Baba’s leelas daily, you will always see him. Day and night you will remember him in your mind. When you absorb Baba in this way, your mind will lose its fickleness and if you continue in this manner it will finally merge in pure consciousness.” — Sri Sai Satcharitra

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