Self-Paced Courses for
Self-Healing & Awakening
Explore the path to healing and awakening through our exclusive courses. Guided by our compassionate and dedicated teachers, these courses are designed for you to develop authentic insight, experience growing inner clarity and peace, and engage with practical tools of self-healing to live from your soul!

The Holy Womb Chakra
Jessica ‘Sivapriya’ Godino
The Science of Spirit
Chris ‘Shankar’ Hargrove
Studying Spiritual Knowledge in the Age of AI
Clint 'Nityanandaji' Thompson, MD
Upcoming Webinars & Workshops
Explore the path to healing and awakening through
our exclusive series of webinars and workshops
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Heal and Awaken with DEVI LOKA Guides
(Our webinars feature DEVI LOKA Teachers & Guides!)
The company you keep can change your life!
Find more practical tools for healing and awakening! Our DEVI LOKA Guides aren’t just teachers and coaches; they are experienced practitioners who are walking the path of awakening and are committed to guiding you through your own journey with compassion and expertise.
Our Guides come from all walks of life and bring a wealth of experience and grounded knowledge to the DEVI LOKA online community. They are here to assist you every step of the way.
Step into a life shaped by your soul’s true calling with the help of DEVI LOKA’s devoted guides. Join today and start living from your soul, supported by guides who inspire and uplift.
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