
Awaken the Soul • 2023 Program Series

Receive Baba’s Blessing

A Special Day to Receive Anything You Want

Thursday, March 30, 2023

6:30 am – 8:00 am PDT

$108 per registration

Raise Your Soul Vibrations to Receive a Blessing from Shirdi Baba on Ramanavami

Modern science agrees that everything has a vibrational frequency. Our thoughts, emotions, the five elements of earth, sky, fire, water and air, all have their own unique vibrations and frequencies. We attract to us energy that matches our energy. When we have an unmet desire or need, we emit a signal or vibration to the universe. The more we think about what we don’t have, the universe picks up this signal and creates more of the lack. When we align our thoughts and desires with positive, high-frequency emotions like love, joy and gratitude, we increase our capacity to attract and receive the things that we need and truly desire in our lives.

Shirdi Sai Baba is a powerful saint who lived from 1832-1918. He is a master of vibration and frequency and since taking mahasamadhi, he blesses hundreds of millions of people with miracles in their lives. Baba is the supreme miracle maker.

An abishek is bathing a holy object, and there are many immediate benefits to watching a holy bath.

Benefits of participating in this ancient spiritual practice:
  • Wash away lower vibrations that manifest as fear, depression, and lack of what you need in your life.
  • Replace lower vibrations with the vibration of divine creative energy.
  • During an abishek and immediately following, when you pray with an open heart, you can match the higher frequency of whatever you want in your life. This is one of the secrets of the science of the soul used by saints for centuries!

Baba loved this day, Ramanavami, which is the birthday of Rama, and was one of Baba’s favorite energy windows for granting blessings to all who raise their vibrations to him.  Join us on this special day to connect with Baba and receive what you need!

A UNIQUE TEACHING DOWNLOAD: A new teaching from Mataji and Nityanandaji to download and listen to on your favorite device! Details on the download will be sent after registration.

• DISTANCE ENERGY TRANSMISSION: Your name will be read out loud as milk is offered to Baba and a distance energy transmission is sent raising your vibration and the empowering your prayers.

• BABA WORSHIP: Connect to Baba singing the vibrations of his 108 holy names, the Shirdi Baba Stotrum, and two special bhajans with Prakasha connecting to Baba.

*Details on how to access the download, give your blessing request, and join online will follow registration

Join the Maha Abishek and morning worship LIVE
on any of our social media broadcast channels!

“Baba loved Ramanavami. It is the best time to butter on Baba. It is easy to get benefit through worshipping him; on that day, he is purely Bolo Shankara. Do an abishek in morning whatever way you like.”

Register for "Receive Baba's Blessing"

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WEDNESDAY, MARCH 29, 2023 • 6:00 pm PT / 9:00 pm EST

Awaken Your Soul Program Series

Register for one or all programs!

Guru Purnima Virtual Ticket

Guru Purnima Virtual Ticket

This July 2024, immerse yourself in the miraculous energy of Shirdi Sai Baba through our "Walking with Shirdi Baba: Guru Purnima 2024" Virtual Retreat.

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$299.00     Quantity:

Guru Purnima Virtual Ticket - DEVI LOKA Members

Guru Purnima Virtual Ticket - DEVI LOKA Members

This July 2024, immerse yourself in the miraculous energy of Shirdi Sai Baba through our "Walking with Shirdi Baba: Guru Purnima 2024" Virtual Retreat.

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$260.00     Quantity:

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Guru Purnima On Site 1-Day Visit [8:30 AM-6PM]

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Personal Power Spot at Divine Mother Center

Personal Power Spot at the Divine Mother Center

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$275.00     Quantity:

Internal Use:

Special Offer


Awaken your soul’s capacity.

Download Gifts of Sri Shirdi Sai Baba and receive detailed instructions on using the Five Elements Process™ to decharge stress and negativity, and heal both yourself and others.