
Kaleshwar Jayanti 2023

The Master, the Divine Mother
& Miracles

Join us in Celebrating Sri Kaleshwar’s 50th Jayanti with a Live Satsang with Mataji and Nityanandaji Sharing Stories of Mother Divine, Bhajans, and a Special Shenishwara Sacred Fire Ceremony

LIVE • Sunday, January 8, 2023

Sri Kaleshwar (January 8, 1973 – March 15, 2012), was a saptarishi incarnation in the Divine Lineage who had a special relationship with the Divine Mother.  Sri Kaleshwar communicated with the Divine Mother regularly and negotiated new boons on behalf of humanity for his students to receive and use in easing suffering and bringing light wherever there is darkness.

The Divine Mother sends the master to lead us on the path of enlightenment to come back to Her presence.  All who knew Sri Kaleshwar and who are learning about him now and in the future are being called by the Divine Mother to experience Her bliss and miracle energy. The promise of the Divine Lineage of masters is to become one with the Divine Mother as Jesus, Mother Mary, Shirdi Baba, and Sri Kaleshwar did.

Join us as we celebrate Sri Kaleshwar on his birthday with an intimate, live satsang with Mataji, Nityanandaji and friends as they share experiences of the Divine Mother and the miracle energy channels. We will open our hearts with healing music on this special day and receive the Divine Mother’s blessings and the master’s grace to wash illusions with a Shenishwara Sacred Fire Ceremony.

Sharing Experiences of the Divine Mother

Sri Kaleshwar said his greatest aim was for his student to connect to God as Mother. Sri Kaleshwar connected hundreds of students, both female and male, to the Divine Mother and continues to connect students today while in mahasamadhi.

Join Mataji & Nityanandaji and friends as we open our hearts singing to Sri Kaleshwar, sharing experiences of Mother Divine and receiving soul blessings through a Shenishwara Sacred Fire Ceremony for protection from illusions and heartbreak, to develop equanimity and fulfill our dharma.

In front of God, once you know the perfect formula, the right channel
and the right energy, everything is possible.

– Sri Kaleshwar

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About the shenishwara ceremony

Shenishwara Sacred Fire Ceremony

Broadcast Live
Sunday, January 8, 2023
4:00 – 5:00 pm PST / 7:00 – 8:00 pm EST

In celebration of Kaleshwar Jayanati, the Shenishwara Sacred Fire Ceremony is being offered on this special day. The Shenishwara prayer was revealed by Sri Kaleshwar on June 23, 2001 in a public talk where he released the Seed of the Sri Chakra Yantra/Chart. This prayer is pure Shiva energy and receiving just 1 does of Shiva’s energy is enough to lead a happy and healthy life.

Give the gift of additional special blessings during the Shenishwara Sacred Fire Ceremony at a special rate after your program enrollment!

• Wash out powerful illusions that have been blocking you in this life
• Give yourself protection from ever being heartbroken again in this life
• Strengthen your soul, increase your willpower, inner strength, and resistance power
• Help reach sthita pragnata, an advanced stage of consciousness, of peaceful equanimity, being undisturbed by good or bad external circumstances

We are in a time of profound change, and Kaleshwar Jayanti is an auspicious energy to free yourself from illusions and utilize this profound process to awaken. During this period of great darkness and negativity on the planet, Sri Kaleshwar said there also exists a unique opportunity for accelerated healing and soul development. Now is the moment to become what he called a soul scientist and implement soul healing technology.

Sacred fire ceremonies – fire pujas – are the most powerful form of worship and spiritual practices you can do. Participating in just one sacred fire ceremony is equal to the spiritual benefits of 100 years of meditation. Ancient civilizations knew how to use the power of fire to purify negativity and transmit peace and healing to the world. We combine modern technology with ancient healing technology, by bringing this sacred fire ceremony virtually to wherever you are!

Watch the Live Broadcasts


Register for Kaleshwar Jayanti below and follow the prompts to check out. You will receive an email with steps to access this program in the Virtual Ashram. All materials and satsangs are stored in your course.
Give the gift of additional special blessings during the Shenishwara Sacred Fire Ceremony at a special rate after your program enrollment!
SAT, JANUARY 7, 2023 • 6pm PT / 9pm EST

Shivaratri Sacred Fire Ceremony Energy Blessing

Shivaratri Sacred Fire Ceremony Energy Blessing

Receive what you need from Shiva in your life.

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$108.00     Quantity:

Healing My Relationship with the Master, $302

Healing My Relationship with the Master, $302

Healing My Relationship with the Master

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$302.00     Quantity:

Crystal Lingam Charged in Shirdi

Crystal Lingam Charged in Shirdi

Crystal Lingam Power Object Charged on Shirdi Sai Baba's Mahasamadhi

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$1,008.00     Quantity:

Shiva's Blessing for _____. (Create your own!)

Shiva's Blessing for _____. (Create your own!)

Receive Shiva's Blessings for _____. Create your own special blessing.

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$108.00     Quantity:

Shiva's Blessing to Connect to the Divine Mother

Shiva's Blessing to Connect to the Divine Mother

Receive Shiva's Blessing to Connect to the Divine Mother

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$302.00     Quantity:

Shiva's Blessing for My Brahma Consciousness to be Stronger Than the Illusion

Shiva's Blessing for My Brahma Consciousness to be Stronger Than the Illusion

Receive Shiva's Blessings for your Brahma Consciousness to be stronger than the illusion

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$302.00     Quantity:

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