
Product Detail

Sri Kaleshwar's Blessing to Connect to the Divine Mother, $504

Sri Kaleshwar's Blessing to Connect to the Divine Mother, $504

Receive Sri Kaleshwar's Blessing to Connect to the Divine Mother 

The Divine Mother sends a divine soul, a master of consciousness, to help us in journey back to Her. Sri Kaleshwar said his greatest aim was for his student to connect to God as Mother. Sri Kaleshwar connected hundreds of students, both female and male, to the Divine Mother and continues to connect students today while in mahasamadhi.  It is through reconnecting to the Mother that we receive both the deepest healing and healing abilities. When we experience Her, we recognize the truth of who we are and become channels of Her divine shakti. Both women and men must develop their connection to the Divine Mother and become instruments to bring Her love and shakti to the world

Receive Sri Kaleshwar's blessing and help to connect to the Divine Mother with this Blessing Energy (Shakti) Transmission. You will be able to personalized the transmission for your prayers and wishes during the next Sacred Fire Ceremony. Details on how to participate and give your prayer will follow registration. 

About Giving Dakshina: According to the law of karma, karma siddhanta, an exchange is very important. Giving is necessary for receiving. There are different dakshina options because each person's needs are different. Your donation for this spiritual process should be an accurate reflection of what you are asking to receive.

Price: $504.00

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