
Product Detail

Receive Baba's Blessings - Monthly Subscription

Receive Baba's Blessings - Monthly Subscription

Receive Baba's Blessings the first Thursday of every month!
6:30 - 8:00 AM Pacific

$25 / Month

Baba is the supreme miracle maker. Receive Baba's blessings during his holy bath (abishek) for what you need in your life the first Thursday of every month. With your monthly subscription, you can have the same prayer blessed every month and you can change your blessing request anytime as your needs change. 

With your registration

  • Your name is read out loud during the ceremony as milk charged with your prayers is given to Baba w
  • Connect to Baba with singing his 108 names, the Shirdi Baba Stotrum, and two special bhajans with Prakasha.

Details on how to upload your prayer request will follow by email after registration. (One name will be read out load per registration.)

Give a Gift! 

Give blessings to your family members, friends, and loved ones to raise their vibrations. The ancient holy bath technology works in such a way that your loved one does not have to be present or watch the holy bath to receive benefits. 

Deadline register: 6 pm Pacific the night before the holy bath. 

Price: $25.00

Special Offer


Awaken your soul’s capacity.

Download Gifts of Sri Shirdi Sai Baba and receive detailed instructions on using the Five Elements Process™ to decharge stress and negativity, and heal both yourself and others.