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Jesus' Blessing for the Fulfillment of a Specific Desire

Jesus' Blessing for the Fulfillment of a Specific Desire

Jesus' Blessing for the Fulfillment of a Specific Desire

We are living in a time of great transformation, of fulfilling the great prophecies of returning to an age of divine consciousness. Jesus wanted to create many souls like him, who would do even greater wonders than He. That was His aim for humanity. Christ Consciousness is coming through many individual lives, like yours. One life at a time, each person will embody and carry pure love and miraculous energy to the world. This is how the miracle energy will flow on the planet. This special blessing is to receive Jesus' blessing to fulfill a specific wish. Ask for what is most on your heart, whether you need healing, help with a spiritual desire, or developing your direct connection and relationship with Him. 

You will receive a Blessing Energy (Shakti) Transmission personalized for your prayers and wishes during an upcoming Sacred Fire Ceremony. Details on how to participate and give your prayer will follow after registration.

Price: $108.00

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