

A Shiva lingam is a stone that is usually an oval or egg-shape and is regarded as the Divine Father form of God, Shiva, Himself. Lingams create access to channel Shiva’s soul energy on behalf of yourself and others. Lingams are imbued with Shiva’s qualities of pure consciousness, peace, unconditional love and forgiveness and can be used to bring balance, wash pain and negativity, release stuck energy, open your heart, and bless desires and wishes. Lingams are powerful tools to send healing energy to others at a distance, particularly with abishek rituals. Lingams can also be used to give direct energy transmissions to the third eye, called shaktipat.

A lingam may be made of black stone, crystal, marble, gemstone, metal, wood, and naturally created lingams. Lingams made of stone, marble and crystal are best for holding the divine energy. Black lingams have a special capacity to pull negativity and can be used for decharging.

Holy Power Objects Charged by Sri Kaleshwar

We offer Holy Power Objects that were personally charged by Sri Kaleshwar in his lifetime. Due to their limited quantity, these items are becoming increasingly rare.

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Natural Shiva-Shakti Lingam, small

Natural Shiva-Shakti Lingam, small

Natural Shiva-Shakti Lingam Power Object Connecting to Manasarovar Power Spot, small

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$1,008.00     Contact Us

Black Shiva Lingam, 1-1.2 pounds

Black Shiva Lingam, 1-1.2 pounds

Shiva Lingam Power Object Charged in Lake Kaleshwar and Blessed by Power Objects Given Directly by Mother Divine 

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$1,008.00     Quantity:

Crystal Lingam Charged in Shirdi

Crystal Lingam Charged in Shirdi

Crystal Lingam Power Object Charged on Shirdi Sai Baba's Mahasamadhi

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$1,008.00     Quantity:

Black Tourmaline Shiva Lingam, 4.5 pounds

Black Tourmaline Shiva Lingam, 4.5 pounds

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$1,108.00     Quantity:

Internal Use:
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