

Vijayadasami 2023

Anything Is Possible on Vijayadasami!

Navaratri Day 10: Vijayadasami 2023
Sacred Fire Ceremony 
Live Online Tuesday, October 24, 2023
12:00 –  2:00 pm Pacific 

Experience victory over life’s challenges and welcome transformative energies into your heart.?

Vijayadasami, Navararatri Day 10, is the Day of Victory.  It is the day the protective energies of the Divine Mother converge on the planet, triumphing over negativity and darkness.  It is also Shirdi Sai Baba’s mahasamadhi day, the day he left his body, and when he merged his energy with Kanaka Durga, the peaceful form of the Divine Mother.
Shirdi Baba is the embodiment of both the Divine Father and Divine Mother. He is the king of kings and yogi of yogis. Shirdi Baba is the head of the Divine Court, which is guiding the evolution of the awakening of consciousness that is unfolding in this world today.
These anniversaries are cosmic power times when Shirdi Baba and the Divine Mother’s energy is abundantly available.This is a day to pray for anything and everything you need and want, and to pray on behalf of others.  You can give blessing transmissions to loved ones with your prayers.

*One blessing energy transmission in your name with a coconut offered to the fire on Vijayadasami is included with your Navaratri Virtual Retreat 2023 registration.

“The Shiva/Shakti energy is a key to a new creation. On Vijayadasami we always remember Shirdi Baba and the Divine Mother together and experience them together.”
– Mataji
Last day to register: 6 pm Monday, October 22, 2023

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Navaratri Day 10: Vijayadasami Sacred Fire Ceremony

Navaratri Day 10: Vijayadasami Sacred Fire Ceremony

Receive a Blessing from Shirdi Baba and the Divine Mother on Navaratri Day 10

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$68.00     Quantity:

Vijadasami 1-Day Package

Vijadasami 1-Day Package

Join all Vijayadasami 2024 Events!
Anything is Possible on Vijayadasami!

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$108.00     Quantity:

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