

DEVI LOKA APP Scholarship & Development Fund

Ways To Give

Give a one-time or monthly donation to of any amount to help provide scholarship options for DEVI LOKA APP subscriptions for those needing financial support.

LOG-IN to autofill your name and address or
CREATE AN ACCOUNT with your gift to make giving easier.

I Want to Give

Choose Your Amount:
I would like to add 3% to my donation to cover the transaction costs
Make my gift monthly. I want to be a Dharma Angel! ❤️

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The Divine Mother Center is a non-profit, 501(c)(3) tax exempt organization, all donations and dakshina are tax deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law. Our Tax ID is 20-1426939.

Special Offer


Awaken your soul’s capacity.

Download Gifts of Sri Shirdi Sai Baba and receive detailed instructions on using the Five Elements Process™ to decharge stress and negativity, and heal both yourself and others.