Understanding ‘The Five Elements Energy Channels’ and its Connection to Soul Healing
Understanding ‘The Five Elements Energy Channels’ and its Connection to Soul Healing

Accessing the Goddess’ ‘Shakti’: Awakening the Inner Energy Channels
When you’re incarnated in a physical form, your ultimate aim should be to connect deeply with your divinity. Just as a fragrance is hidden within a flower, a creative energy is contained within the Five Elements energy channels. This energy – the Goddess’ ‘shakti’ – is the core vibration, the primal force of everything. This shakti, also known as cosmic energy, is the key to unlock your soul’s miraculous energy capabilities and live in higher consciousness. It is essential to connect directly with the energy of the Five Elements – Earth, Water, Fire, Air, and Ether (Sky). When you embark on this ancient soul journey of enlightenment, the first step is to open to these Five Element channels in your soul, purifying old karmas and kindling the soul’s inherent divine light.

Mother Divine and the 5 Elements: Discovering the Source of Supernatural Connections
Miraculous transformations are ignited when we tap into the potent power – the shakti – of these 5 Elements’ energies. This shakti is the basis for supernatural abilities and connections with the celestial world of souls, guardian angels, and divine souls. This all culminates in direct personal experience of the great primordial force Herself, Mother Divine. The grand architect of nature, Mother Divine embodies the boundless creative vitality hidden in each of the 5 Elements energy channels.
Shiva and Shakti: The Divine Partnership in Cosmic Creation
As we begin to open our soul’s connection to nature’s 5 Elements energy channels, our journey is through the Divine Father – Shiva. Yet the divine feminine energy, the Goddess Mother Divine, remains the animating energy within the 5 Elements’s potency. It’s a divine partnership, with Shiva possessing control over the energy of the elements, and the Divine Mother’s feminine energy deep within creating everything in creation. The principle of Ardhanarishwara perfectly represents this partnership – embodying the balance of masculine (Shiva) and feminine (Shakti), each holding 50% sway.

The Balance of Shiva and Shakti: Ensuring a Steady Spiritual Journey
Crucial to this journey is the understanding and control of elemental energies. When we grasp the essence of Shiva, we have a direct path to Mother Divine. An unplanned leap towards Mother Divine without understanding Shiva, will most certainly land us in the ocean of illusion (mahamaya), leading to an unsteady spiritual journey. Comprehending Mother Divine, though a loving, nurturing presence, requires the balancing energy of Shiva from the beginning. This is one big purpose of opening the Five Elements energy channels.