The Bliss of Shiva
Experience the Bliss of Shiva!
A LIVE, ONLINE 4-Day Transformation Process
February 16 – February 19, 2023
Shivaratri is the most powerful, auspicious night of the year to transform your life. Meditating on this night is said to be equal to meditating for one million nights. When we use this auspicious time to seek transformation and healing by connecting with Shiva, we can experience real results in our lives. Shiva leads us back to our true nature, the supreme bliss of satchitananda, an unwavering state of peace and stability.
On Shivaratri, it is easy to connect to Shiva and he is pleased by even the smallest effort we make. On this special night, we can bring all our pain and our struggles to Shiva and experience healing and the peace of equanimity. You can be free of whatever is holding you back and make quantum leaps in awakening your true, divine nature, the pure blissful state of satchitananda. We can experience the reality of the soul in its most divine state. Shiva is the source of all-encompassing peace and can transform us as we merge with Him in the stillness.
Join us to experience the unbounded source of all bliss and peace this Shivaratri!
Shivaratri 2023 is offered in the Divine Mother School.
Experience the Bliss of Shiva
You can have a powerful experience of Shiva anywhere – even in your living room. Join this meditation process to prepare for this most powerful night of the year to receive Shiva’s energy. Practice a simple daily meditation; join the group meditation from home, the ‘Turning as a Lotus Leaf’ Sacred Fire Ceremony, live satsang with Mataji and Nityanandaji, and uplifting healing music to Shiva!

“He who has realized Satchitananda is a liberated sage. He has nothing more to learn, nothing more to do, has nothing more to gain. All his desires are gratified. He has obtained all the worlds. He is freed from the jaws of death. He attains immortality.”
– Swami Sivananda

Benefits of This Special Sacred Fire Ceremony:
In this ancient ceremony, we will chant sacred Sri Chakra and Shiva bijaksharas while making special offerings to the fire. The benefits of this powerful sacred fire ceremony/puja are:
• Washes out unbelievable illusions – so they never come back again
• Gives 95-99% protection against ever being heartbroken again, from any circumstance
• Strengthen your soul, gain tremendous soul resistance power
• Reach the stitha prajnata stage
The stitha prajnata (equanimity) stage is most important stage in a soul’s development. It is the first stage of ananda (bliss). Without stitha prajnata, there is no ananda.
Why Do We Need to Turn as Lotus Leaf? How Do We Do It?
“The illusion never ends until you reach Mother Divine on the soul level. If you have body, until you are leaving this dust bin, you have to face the illusions, even if you’re an avatar, if you’re Krishna, you’re Rama, you’re Baba, or any Swami. It doesn’t matter. You’re responsible for the illusions. The illusions are in you, around you. You must turn into a lotus leaf.” ~ Sri Kaleshwar
How To Turn as A Lotus Leaf?
“Once you start to generate these vibrations of these bijaksharas (sacred syllables), if you start to chant them and offer specific things into the fire, you really can wash out unbelievable illusions. They will never come back again! If a person is seriously heartbroken, there’s 95-99% no chance he’ll get heartbreak again in his life under any circumstance, whether he falls in love or in spirituality. The soul will get stronger, gain tremendous resistance power, and reach the stitha prajnata stage.” ~ Sri Kaleshwar

Bijas of the Sri Chakra Yantra
(On Copper or Silver Metal)
Having this charged yantra in your space will bring the energy and benefits of the vibrations of the Sri Chakra bijaksharas continuously activating on your soul every day. Each yantra is individually hand drawn on metal for you at the time of registration. To be charged on Shivaratri night, all yantras need to be ordered by Tuesday, February 14, 2023. Orders after Feb. 14th will be charged at the Lakshmi Sacred Fire Ceremony on March 5, 2023.
The Most Powerful Night of the Year
for Spiritual Practices
This one night a year is the most powerful time to burn your karma. Shivaratri is the time to offer your pains and issues to be removed. Think of what you need most in your life and offer your prayers to Shiva to change your karma. Join the Shivaratri program and prepare for this powerful night with us! The Shakti-energy processes and blessing transmissions you’ll experience through this program are designed to give tremendous support to your focus, purification and preparation of your energy to receive Shiva’s blessings on Shivaratri.

Join Online!
Give additional blessings during the Shivararti Maha Fire Ceremony (‘Turning as a Lotus Leaf’)
at a discounted dakshina after your first registration. Details will follow registration.
Join the 4-Day
Shivaratri 2023 Program*
*Turning as a Lotus Leaf and Sudarshana Sacred Fire Ceremony Included!
Special Energy Transmissions, Holy Power Objects & Giving Additional Blessings on Shivaratri
To register, select your quantity below and check out. You will receive a Blessing Energy (Shakti) Transmission personalized for your prayer during the ‘Turning as a Lotus Leaf’ Sacred Fire Ceremony on Shivaratri, Saturday, February 18, 2023 from 12-3:30 pm PST/3-6:30 pm EST. Yantras must be ordered by Feb. 14, 2023 to be blessed on Shivaratri. Details on how to give your personal blessing request in your Divine Mother Center Account will follow registration.

Shivaratri only comes once a year. Join today!
The Shivaratri Program is offered in the Divine Mother School. Last day to register for the Shivaratri 2023 Program, Special Blessings and Power Objects blessed on Shivaratri: 6 pm Pacific on February 17, 2023.